Sunday, December 31, 2006

Okay so the New Year is not quite here, but is slipping on up quickly. Today is New Year’s eve and what’s the plan? I have no idea. Originally I thought my boss and some friends and I would all go skiing, but the boss is in a bad mood and I am sure not participating. So, hanging out in Clinton Hill for the day seems to be the plan.

Right now visiting a new little café have a great cup of Joe. CR friendly of course. Black, no sugar, no cream. Actually, with CR they recommend no caffeine, but I have not cut that out as of yet…and have no plans to do so as of yet.

My appetite is way down. Yesterday for breakfast I had a small amount of almonds and a vitamin water. So should have been just over 300 calories. Then at like 2 pm, after walking half way around Brooklyn and starving, I downed a hot dog in like 2 seconds. I have no idea how many calories, but I did only take mustard on it, so I am sure that saved some. Then for dinner, some organic roasted red pepper soup, a couple of Kashi cheese crackers and a glass of water….would have done wine, but the store had a horrible selection. I have to find a place in the hood to buy good wine. The whole appetite being down probably can be attributed to my period starting. This is what usually happens.

Well yesterday I went to Associates to get the groceries for the week. I spent $90.00 which is a bit more than I usually would spend, but I got some good stuff and have planned out some meals. My thought is that I will probably have enough for breakfast and dinners for two weeks and most lunches. I may have to pickup a fresh apple, banana, or head of lettuce periodically, but I have got the staples.

It’s getting colder, so I bought a bit of that organic broth to make simple CR soups with for dinners. Also, they offer some good pre made soups that seem healthy enough for a person on the go. Sure beats going to White Castle or some Chinese restaurant when in a pinch for time.

Also I am planning on not going to my favorite bar nightly the way I have been in the past couple of weeks. I usually have a few beers and vodka’s after work. Not only calorie costly, but also to my pocket book. Cutting this out will help to justify such a extravagant expenses at the grocery.

Something else I bought that I am excited about trying is tofu. I remember trying it once several years ago and just not being happy with the out come. This time around I have CR recipes to go by and of course my little health conscious friend, Sarah has been more than happy to lend a few pointers. Cross your fingers!! I will post how things turn out.

One last issue….software. I have been using the free version on the CRON meter, but everything I read is telling me that there are several other versions of soft ware available that are not only more user friendly (because everyone knows that the CRON meter is NOT) but more stable and have a lot more info. I don’t know that I necessarily want to spend the money or whether I can spend the money. It is not THAT much, but hey $60 is $60.

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