Thursday, March 08, 2007


So things in CR land are going just dandy. I have been eating very well this week and still I am shrinking. Work has been crazy busy as usual and for some reason, I have not made an AA meeting at all this week, again. Not sure what's up with that and I will go tonight. At least I am not pounding PBR's though.

Okay I have been thinking for the last couple of days about idle snacking or binging while reading Emily's and other CR blogger's post. It can be some what intimidating to read the CRON blogger's diaries at time. I think we all strive for perfection, but something we forget is that CR does not require absolute perfection to be successful. CR has loop wholes. CR allows cheating. CR is great!

Obviously we strive to have optimal nutrition daily and to rid ourselves of junky treats, sugary sodas, and heavy refined carbohydrates. However, if we must at some point (or mentally must), then we do it and move on. CR does not provide us with a strict list of guideline, do's and don't, and no no's. We are able to cater our CR lifestyle to our personal preferences. Just look at the variety of diets throughout the blogs. Some eat fruit, some don't. Some have bread, some don't. Some have cereal, some don't. And some of us even think sardines are tasty, most do not.

Another great loop whole in CR is the ability to average or find a mean. So you have a junky day. You log it in. You do a 30 day summary and you know, it doesn't look at that bad. Or if it does, you restrict a bit more for a few days, do another summary, and you can see how easy it was to turn that negative gak day into a month of success.

CR is forgiving. CR is a life style, not a fad diet. Fad diets fail. CR is successful. CR is a positive life change.

Today at work we had a 6 am meeting and training with you labor staff. My boss went to Dunkin Donuts and picked up a vat of coffee and 1000 donuts for all. At first, I thought I would shy away from the donuts and not have one. But I really wanted one. So, I had one. Just one. Now, I am not ashamed or embarrassed anymore to log this into my COM or to fess up about it on my blog. Because I have made a positive life change that allows me to be who I am and have flexibility in my life.

The old Carolyn would have had 3 donuts. That's something to be proud of. The old Carolyn would be miserable and mad at herself and would continue the day with junk as a form of the "aw fuck it" (thanks Chris) attitude. The new Carolyn has the tools necessary to balance that one donut into her daily routine and NOT feel guilty or cheated.

I am proud of the changes I see taking shape in myself. I have a lot to be thankful for! I am loving the idea that this change will continue. One day I will completely resist the donut. One day I will crave asparagus as much as I crave Oreo's. One day at a time I am making positive changes in my life that will last a life time.

Emily, you are doing great and have a lot to be thankful for. You are SO smart and seem like such a kind and caring person. CRON will come for all of us in time. Please, if you are starting CRON or have been at this a long time, try to see the good in everyday, even if that day included a donut.


Sara said...

That's a great post to read in the middle of a "work sucks I need distraction where's the rye bread and hummus" moment! I love it when the US bloggers get online. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay Carolyn! It's a great thing to be able to hold out... and also a great thing to be able to think "you know, I can afford this donut". It sounds silly but I keep a "token" 10g of chocolate a day in my diet just to show myself I can - kind of like Mary rewarding herself with licorice. And I bet that one donut tasted better than three would have!

HkGrace said...

Beautiful post! I'm proud of you. I'd love to go to "suburban" Target with you some time... or get coffee. My plans are flexible this weekend so let me know if you're around/free.

Deborah said...

Aw Right Carolyn!!

Good job!


Robin said...

Great post, Carolyn!

Emi at Project Swatch said...

That's a fabulous mindset! One donut certainly doesn't hurt anything.

And thank you for the kind words. I'm feeling a lot more positive today.