Friday, March 09, 2007


How big of a role does support play in being successful? Are you any more likely to obtain something or succeed at a goal if you go it alone or with a group of like minded individuals?

In my personal opinion and with no scientific evidence or proof, I think we are much more likely to succeed at virtually anything we set our minds to when we rely on the help and support of others that either believe in what we are doing or are also attempting the same task.

I have grown up bull headed, falsely independent, and stubborn. I have never liked to rely on the support and advice of others. Admitting the need for help and support was a sure sign of weakness.

I am learning through my current CRON experience and through my AA readings (can't say meetings because I am still a bit stubborn and haven't been) that accepting support, help, faith, what have you is very important. Finding a strength in something that is greater than yourself to carry you through the pitfalls and down days really makes the difference between success and something a little less than success.

These daily blogs that people read, write and comment on are a major part of my recovery as an alcoholic and as a someone that has led a less than healthy lifestyle. I rely on this blog to fess up about my poor habits and to receive support on how to pick myself back up. I rely on readers. I rely on the other blogs writers. I rely on the comments. A bit abnormal to some people that do not struggle with the same things, I will admit. But it works for me.

Thank you all to the other CRON bloggers that are out their sharing your experiences from day to day, whether it be a WaWa egg white crisis or office gak foods staring you down. I can relate and learn from your experiences the tools necessary to make CRON successful for me.

It's the beginning of a small (but weird) online family. No matter what the crisis, your CRON blogger friends can step in, leave a comment, maybe a :) on your blog and all is right with the world. Fertility, exercise, boyfriend and girlfriend problems, work issues, etc., etc., etc. The list goes on and on.

I'm in awe at much some of you care about your fellow bloggers. It's special and a bit sappy (or maybe that's just me!).


Deborah said...

From one bull-head to brought tears to my eyes.

You put your heart out there and I'm glad to say we're here to catch it!

I'm am so pleased to be part of your blog family.

As always,

Robin said...

Oh, Carolyn, you're so sweet!
I'm so glad to have found such a great little CRON community. And I can't wait to meet everyone. Are you coming to Philadelphia? It's only a couple of weeks away!

Anonymous said...

Me too- I don't know why I love this community so much- but I do. Partly it's that it's difficult to bring up 'food issues' with people if they don't share similar understandings/beliefs about what's healthy. Or something. And on these blogs we share the same interest in CRON- so it makes discussing our personal issues with food easier. Or at least- that's the way it feels for me.

Nice post.

Jacqueline said...

Aww shucks Carolyn, you are such a sweety! I know I'm pretty new to the CR blogosphere, but I'm here for ya too :) Big Hugs!!!

Nenette Alejandria Mayor said...

Thanks to you too, Carolyn. I've been reading all of your blogs starting with Mary's and April's both of which started my CR practice this time last year. I've come to really enjoy our little CR family, even though I've been too shy in the past to comment.
I've never met such a wonderfully supportive and loving group online before.

And after practicing for a year, I've finally started my own blog at
