Isn't it funny how with CR there is always a "plan"? I like the plan. The more I plan, the better I feel and the greater my chances of success. However, sometimes life doesn't allow time for planning. Or well that's what I like to tell myself. I read April's post about stress and taking care of her self. What a great post. If you haven't read it, get your butt over there now! My post will not be nearly as enlightening or interesting, and you can always come back and finish mine later!
So I started thinking about the things I can do in my life to reduce stress and be more in tune with my body's needs. Here's a short list:
- Define barriers at work - I need to adopt a schedule and stick with it. This 7 days a week, 13 + hours a day crap is for the birds.
- Attend an AA meeting at least 5 days a week.
- Gym 3 days a week.
- 1 Hour each evening planning my meals/vitamins for the following day
- 1 Hour a day for reading
- 6-8 hours of sleep per night.
Some of these things may sound trivial and just stupid, but I am not doing them or I am attempting to squeeze them into my busy work schedule and it's just not satisfying, but just more stress.
Work is a real problem. I think there is this child inside of me that is a struggling people pleaser that just can't draw the line between right and wrong with my time and work. I have been begging my boss to meet with me about my work expectations, goals, schedule, etc. I think if I just had a better since of where I stood with my job and my expectations as an employee I could relax and not necessarily feel like I need to be a slave to my job to keep my job. Understand what I am saying?
So, I feel like if I can balance my job a bit then I will definitely have more time to do the things that help the spiritual and emotional me. Like making my meetings. I haven't made a meeting since last Monday. That is HORRIBLE. Thankfully I have not drank or abused, but I am feeling "dry" inside.
Last night despite the fact that I didn't get home from work until after 8:30 pm (went in at 6:30am), I forced myself to take a few minutes and 1st (of course) do a bit of house cleaning (a clean house is like zen to me), then I spent a good bit of time entering in my COM info for the day. I decided I would cook dinner (9 pm!) and have the left overs for lunch today. I spent quite a bit of time playing with COM and the "What to Eat" link on Robin's page planning today's eats and I am very satisfied with my plan. Again, having a plan = success for me!
I stayed up too late, so I only got 5 hours of sleep last night, but I feel fine and ready for another long day. I have to make it a point to get the right amount of sleep per night from now on though.
My gym plan is going to be three days a week. My gym is pretty far away. I have to walk 3 miles round trip to go, which is not that bad distance wise, it's just again the time issue. I am going to try for the next couple of weeks just going on Weds night which is the one night that I usually do not go to an AA meeting and to spend good time on both Saturday and Sunday there. If that goes well and it seems possible, I may start trying to go early on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
You know I do not have to be at work at the butt crack of dawn. I really do not have to be here until 9 am. I just like to come in a couple of hours early to finish all my paper work and take care of extra stuff (like blogging). Going to the gym in the morning is very feasible.
Okay so this is a really long winded post with nothing all too interesting in it, but my blog is my diary and it will be good to look back at this post later to see if I really attempted or succeeded at making some of these time management changes. Thanks for reading!
You have rights as an employee and you certainly should not feel taken advantage of. I can only guess what kind of company..sounds small though, privately I realize that some places just don't have it together..but if you've been asking for a meeting in regards to major issues and you are not getting one..ask louder and ask everyone you talk to! Write it all down..get any grievances you might have together on paper, if you are asking for better conditions, better hours, more money etc.....have it all together beforehand... so that your very busy boss with no time...realizes that he has issues to attend to and pronto..or he'll lose a very good employee. I'm not suggesting you to issue an ultimatum..this is your work, your business..I'm just suggesting that you present him with clear requests so he (and you) understand your needs.
I think your list is great..makes perfect sense..move sleep to the top :)
I'm a total list person..i have lists everywhere. I finally got a PDA so that I could keep my lists with me all the time. it's great. Anyway..we all have our ways of taking are of scheduling..this all sounds great to me. these are your important points.. I know your little guy Pabst is on that list somewhere too right?!? such a cutie.
Nice post Carolyn. I hope I didn't come across too strong..but we do have to take charge once in the while :)
I totally concur with Deborah, and like her (and you), I'm also a list maker and one who deals with scheduling issues. My biggest problem is that I make schedules, then don't stick to them. I've been doing much better lately, though. I'm also pulled to do more at work, though I can't say I'm a work-a-holic. If anything I don't put in enough productive time at work, what with sick kids, trying to go to the gym at lunch, etc. I'm still working on finding a balance. I'll be interested to read how your quest goes, and I'll try to be more prolific in posting about mine as well.
awesome list, makes sense to me! Deb is right, move sleep to the top. Don't go by my example, i'm learning the hard way (not smart).
I hope to follow in your footsteps soon :)
if you're interested in running, you might want to try running as much as you can on your way to the gym. mine's a little over 2 miles away from my house, and when i go there on the weekend (instead of directly on my way home from work), i take care of part of my workout by jogging there.
You know, you guys are all so right. It's really a problem that I have created. My biggest defect of characted is not knowing what I am worth and giving just too darn much. Then getting bent out of shape when the favor is not returned.
I know what needs to done to correct the situation and that is being absolutely firm about establishing and maintaining new boundaries. However, I just can't seem to get the meeting to start. I sent a firm email today and got a reaction that I find pleasing, let's see what really happens.
Cat - that's totally my plan. Helps cut down on total time!
Just the three mile walk alone sounds pretty admirable! That looks like a good list.
You go girl!!!!
Yeah Carolyn.
Hi Carolyn
My only comment is that 1 hour to plan your meals for the next day is a very long time. I practice the CR version where for at least 5 days in a row I basically eat the same type of foods at the same time. I know that is not for everyone, but it sure doesn't demand that I think about what I'm to eat. I do the groceries on Saturday, and the food preparation on Sunday afternoons, and basically that's it. Just my 2cent worth. Otherwise, your schedule looks good.
If there are early-morning AA or even NA meetings in your area, take advantage of your early rising and go to them!
Good luck with your plan!
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