Thursday, February 22, 2007


Okay so this morning was Pabst's first walk to work. The walk is just about 1 1/4 mile. Not too far and usually takes me about 14 minutes, that includes stopping for coffee at the bodega. Well this morning, with no coffee break, the walk took 29 minutes!! His legs are still short, so a slower pace was necessary. This extra bit of exercise is great for him. He needs the release. He is passed out and a lot easier to handle at the office and I am sure at home as well. Loosing 1/2 hour sleep to get up in time to walk to work with him; priceless!

I stopped by the pet store on the way home last night to pick up a few supplies for the pup. I spotted some treats that are "new" to the dog market and picked up the one that had the promise to freshen breath. (Christina can probably relate to the puppy breath syndrome). When I got home, pabst ate and had a bath and I cleaned and went about my normal routine. Finally, I gave him one of these breath freshening chicken jerky strips. We were playing and I realized that these things actually work! Never has any other product worked for him. So, I read the label.

Do you realize this little guy eats better than me? Probably better than all of us here. He is eating "Wellness" as his normal food (dry of course). This stuff is great. The first 5 ingredients are dehydrated chicken, celery, corn, etc...No artifical nothing! These breath treats are made from cage free, organic, something or another chickens and have no added chemicals, salt, byproducts, etc.. The ingredent list is like 7 things, most of which are natural herbs and the chicken itself.


Meanwhile, I am still stuck on egg whites for breakfast. I wish there were another alternative for something just as high in protein, low in calories and low in fat. I racked my brain all night trying to come up with something different. I may try high protein smoothy over the weekend and see how that works!

Lunch same old sardine sandwich, little bowl of soup and a grapefruit. Snacks; almonds and yogurt. I guess I have developed a "quotation" diet. I like the routine. Then I can have a bit of variety at dinner.

Tonight; Tilapia!!


April said...

Whey protein and skim milk.


Deborah said...

Oh dog walking stories.. yeah.. mine is such a hound she will forget to do her business if other scents catch her attention. We spent 15 minutes this a.m. in the drizzle, sniffing heaven knows what. Then I dragged her inside..she just wasn't going to cooperate and I needed to get moving. Crazy dog..but I love her so!

I used to make huge morning smoothies..banana, whey protein (until I realized my digestion couldn't handle the whey! Doh!) but you could actually use egg whites and/or yogurt and flax, some kind of real fruit syrup (TJs) or frozen fruit. Yummmmmm

It's the clean-up that does me in, cause I don't have one of those cool hand-holds that a lot of people use now.

Emi at Project Swatch said...

1 cup of Trader Joe's nonfat greek yogurt has 20g of protein, 5g of carbs, and no fat - for 100 calories.

I'm happy to eat leftover fish in the morning.

You could put yummy things in your eggs if you're bored, veggies, smoked salmon/lox, herbs or spices. . .

Deborah said...

Oh ohhh I can see this coming now from a mile took me a while
You're going to start eating Sardines for breakfast aren't you?!?!?!
