Monday, February 19, 2007


Thanks so much for the support from EVERYONE! Next to the pics of the new pup, I dont think I have ever received so many comments (because you know, that's what blogging is all about; comments)

No, really I appreciate the support and you have no idea how relieving it is to have this information out there. Aside from you all; I finally called up all my drinking buddies today and confessed to them as well. Your support gave me strength and I appreciate it! I have had a thousand phone calls a day from the "crew" begging for a night out on the town, so this should help.

Okay so now the results of today's cravings:

Breakfast, Lunch and almond snacks went all as planned. But somewhere around 3 pm, I started craving (and in no particular order) egg salad, mustard, and toasted rye bread. So, I just had them all. Then I found a chocolate candy bar in my desk and proceeded to eat that. On the way to my meeting tonight, I stopped at CT Muffin and grabbed a mocha (1/2 sugar and skim milk of course). So here's what it all comes out to;

Calories 2005
Protein 88 grams
Carbs 238 grams (holy shit!)
Lipids 86 grams (holy shit, again!)
84% Vitamins
90% Minerals

So micro/macro nutrients don't look all too bad, but it's obvious from the amount of carbs I ingested why I had such horrible sugar cravings.

So lessons learned. Here is my plan for tomorrow. Now, it probably sounds like ALOT of food (well it does to me), but I am arming and surrounding myself with great nutrient, low cal foods just in case these weird cravings start consuming me.


1 cup egg white omelet with onions, diced organic chicken sausage and 1 teaspoon flax


1/4 cup Almonds
2 Calcium Chews

Lunch (this one is for Al):

1 cup organic tomato soup
1 sardine pita sandwich with green peppers, humus, onion, deli mustard, arugula


100 grams baby carrots
1/4 cup almonds
1 cup Dannon Light and Fit

Okay here is the breakdown;

Calories 1340
Protein 83 grams
Carbs 101 grams
Lipids 74 grams (still pretty high, but all the right fats and I believe it will help to curb cravings)

79% vitamins
86% mineral
Okay so that is a ton of food, but still leaves me 260 calories to F*&$ up with or for dinner. My meetings usually get me home around 8-8:30 pm, so dinner is not usually in the picture. If anything, maybe another omelet, but this time with some veggies!

Good news is; even though there are still Oreo's in the house, I have no craving for them tonight! Which I am stoked about. In other news, I have started a morning yoga routine and at night my plan is to get back into an ab routine that I used to do. About 15 minutes, but I will probably have to work up to that. Aside from the extra effort in exercise at home, my meetings are also providing me with an extra work out. You see, my pup goes with me to work. We walk there, he in my shoulder bag (he's putting on weight now, so it's like a ton of bricks!). When I finish with work, I have to dash home, feed him and head right back and walk further than my office to get to a meeting, then of course there is the walk home as well. So, although I am consuming more calories, I know that some of that has to do with the extra exercise wearing at my body. My body is just requiring more and that is okay, so long as it is not cheese dip and Oreo's.

Okay, I would say this post is long enough.


1 comment:

Emi at Project Swatch said...

Sounds like a good plan to me! Eating lots of delicious, nutritious CRON-compatible food is definitely the best way for me to stay on track.

And 2000 calories isn't bad at all!