Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Many of us exclaimed, "What and order! I can't go through with it." Do not be discouraged. No one among us (except MR..hehehe) has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles. We are not CR saints. The point is, we are willing to grow along with CR. The principles we have set down are guides to progress. We claim CR progress rather than CR perfection.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that Carolyn... it's a good one to remember.

Let me know how the pita goes. I don't recommend eating more than 50 g of sardines in your first attempt. Good luck- on all your fronts. :-)

Deborah said...

I used to have to leave the house when my Dad would put together a sardine sandwich (on Rye bread..he loved it so) and now you guys keep on mentioning them and I keep wondering if I should give them a shot. I know my house would clear out...Hey! then I'd get some peace a quiet..hmmmm

Amy said...

Jeez, I miss like one day of reading your blog and now I'm the only one who didn't get a chance to post encouraging and supportive thoughts. So I'm making up for my blog neglect :-).

I'm with you. It's kind of ironic that I read you posting this right now, because I just posted earlier today myself that I'm planning to eliminate the wine from my diet for the time being because I also have issues with moderation. And more than one glass makes me eat the entire planet. Thus I gained back a few pounds and have felt really crappy the past few weeks. I'm just better off eliminating it entirely then when I'm more in order in the other areas of my life, I'll consider adding it back in on rare occasions. The momentary pleasure doesn't outweight the size of my ass or feeling guilty and gakky afterward!

Am looking forward to hearing how it goes for you . . .


Deborah said...

you know..I was just loking at my comment and I realize I commented on the wrong post. Sry..this one is a support comment. Very well put Carolyn.. progress, not perfection..it's all that we can hope for.


catlady said...

Can you say plagiarism? lol! Isn't it amazing how the stuff in the Big Book can apply to almost anything in life? That's why we call it a "design for living"!