Monday, July 30, 2007


At this point, not sure how many readers I will get. Been ages since my last post, but in my vacation time, I have come to realize somethings;

1. Beer = A lot of Calories
2. The more I post, the more I own up to the calories I take in, the better I do.
3. When on CR, I feel the best I have ever felt in my life. Period.

If you are reading this; Thanks. It's keeping me honest.

Here's today's info;


2 Packs (4 crackers each) cheese on cheese crackers
Diet Coke
Mid morning Banana snack


Ham and Provolone on Oatmeal Bread with lettuce, mustard and pepper
Gala Apple
2 oz. Pretzels

Afternoon Snack: (could have done without!)



Salsa Chicken
(basically chicken sauteed with peppers, garlic, fresh salsa, black beans and frozen corn)
1 tbls Sour Cream
1 Flour Tortilla
48 oz. Beer (holy shit!!! calories and carbs!!!)

And for the results;

2231 Calories
86 g Protein (my goal is around 120g)
A WHOPPING 274 g carbs
45 g lipids
63% daily vitamins
88% daily minerals

Okay, so obviously, these numbers sucks and there is much room for improvement. I think the mistake I have been trying to make lately is jumping in full force into CR again. What I think really needs to happen is some strategy's. I need to track for a week again, analyze my patterns, and see what small changes can be made, one at a time to bring about some good change.

I think the first most obvious answer is beer. When I was serious CR before, I either didn't drink at all or when I did drink, I stuck to vodka and soda water. Very low calories with a hell of punch.

Second thing to work on; protein. When I was able to properly balance the right proteins and fats before, I was my most successful. This is a huge key for me. Less fruit and chocolate and more egg whites and almonds.

Now, I must admit. CR and extended life seems very lovely, but I have other motivations. My motivations are a trimmer waste line and feeling great on a daily basis. Not feeling sluggish. Feeling full of life and energy. Forget living until I am 120. Who can plan that far? I can barely keep up with my weekly schedule. Let's get real and be honest about my goals, then we will see about sticking to them.

Thanks for all who read!


Amy said...

I'm here, and while I'm hardly a strict CR person myself, I'll be watching and supportive. Believe me, when I wasn't pregnant (!), my struggle was almost always with the alcohol. Somehow taking in only one or two drinks (in my case, wine) at a time is difficult. I just don't feel satiated without 3 or 4. AT which point I didn't care whether I consumed a whole bag of Doritos :-). It's going to be a struggle for me again, I'm sure, once I deliver this baby and re-dedicate myself to "health".

Keep up the fight - I'm rooting for you!


Sara said...

Hi Carolyn, welcome back! And good luck with achieving your goals - I tend to agree, increased longevity is all very well, but who wants to shoot for that when feeling like hell in the here and now? Sort out the immediate and the long term will fall into place by itself. At least, that's what I hope! :-)

Deborah said...

Hey Carolyn!!! I'm so glad you posted. Longevity is hard to think about at your young and spry's true. But when you get to be my age, you just might thank your younger self for planning ahead. it's like anything...especially saving money or thinking of retirement. it's hard to discipline yourself when you are young cause it seems just so far away, but when you are getting on in years, then you are just that much farther ahead.

Do your best and just stick with it day to day and eventually you'll have some more time racked up towards that elusive goal of a long and healthful life.

How about developing a love of red wine? At least there are documented benefits :)

Great to have you back.

Illiah said...

YAY! Carolyn's back!!!

Thing is, I like beer too. But I've concentrated on becoming a beer snob. I only drink really good beer, and when it's really good, one is enough. Also works for chocolate, cheese, and most other things in life.

Hmmm, I know you really didn't ask, but have you thought about maybe looking at breakfast? I've found the better the breakfast, the easier self control is at the end of the day....

Any way, you're back at the party and we're all glad to have ya!

Robin said...


I'm so glad you're back. Are you doing ok?

I think your idea about gradually improving your diet rather than trying to change everything all at once is a good approach. Little steps are often the surest - a lesson I've been learning where exercise is concerned.

Anyway, welcome back!

Mizpah Matus said...

Good luck!

Schatze said...

Hey Carolyn! I've started blogging again if you might have time to check it out. I've been looking in from time to time, and it's nice to see that you're back.

Jake Silver said...

Good luck, C! If you have never read any of Bob Greene's books, I highly recommend them... they approach life changes gradually instead of making drastic changes. Leslie Samsone's books are the same...