Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Okay so today was a good day. I felt great all day!! This whole CR thing is really easy and the support from all the blogs and comments really helps me stay motivated. Without the posting I would probably be tempted to have that soda or candy or burger and not too feel guilty, because hey! no one would ever know but me. I like this system. Although I know if I strayed away a bit, it's not as if I would be banished.

I think again it was Frontline PBS that I was watching that did a piece on the American Fad Diet. I remember the whole thing focusing in on groups like Weight Watchers because of the whole "family" support thing. The diets that offered closely linked support groups seemed to be the most productive of them all.

Every day I am beginning to look less and less at the weight issue. I know I am really early into this, but I can feel myself changing everyday. I am surely not talking physically, but emotionally. I seem really focused at work and at completing my task. I find myself getting through the day much easier, not feeling as tired as early. As a matter of fact, I am staying up much later as well. I usually go to bed around 10 pm at the max. Well everyday this week (okay; it's only Tuesday) I have stayed up to at least midnight, no problem and I have woke up each morning at my usual 6:30 am with no problem. Actually a bit more energetic and easy to rise as each day passes. I remember April commenting on this while battling some negative attention about how eating fewer calories would compromise your ability to function. April, you were right....as always!

Okay so today I ate like this;

Egg white, Turkey, and onion omelet for breakfast

Broiled Chicken Breast with Stir fried Mixed Veggies for lunch

Mega Muffin Snack

Small lean Steak and Asparagus Stir Fry for dinner (this was delicious!!!!)

Here is a summary of my numbers for the day;

Calories 1184
Protein 132.3
Fat 47.8
Carbs 66.4
Fiber 22.0

Vitamins 90%
Minerals 90%
Lipids 45%

(Not including supplements)

So I am really interested in knowing what some of the old cronies think of my numbers. I am really confused about the % of daily value. Do you guys have a recommendation for this. I heard 70 grams of protein per day for women (that info came a little too late as I was already prepared to add more because I thought I was deficient based on the %'s). I would love anyone's feed back.

Work and my other environmental work is preventing me from doing any extra reading these days. I will buckle down this weekend and try and specifically research and read a few particular things, but I welcome and would appreciate anyone's advice.

Good luck to everyone out there. Hope to hear from you guys soon!


Anonymous said...

Ok. I'm irritated with blogger. I had a HUGE response written to you, and blogger erased it when I tried to sign in. !@#$#%#^

Deep, calming sigh.

Regarding protein. I would highly recommend you visit Mary Robinson's blog (http://www.crdiary.blogspot.com/), if you haven't already, and download her "Excel Planning Tool". This spreadsheet is a bit daunting in its size and scope, but is an excellent tool if you have the time to play around with it and learn its ins and outs. More to the point, however, is the sheet titled "Macronutrient Goals".

This sheet asks you to input your stats (weight, height, age, exercise, % body fat) and daily calorie goal and then it calculates your required protein based on formulae from three different sources: Walford, the Zone, and Michael Rae (April's Significant Other and generally regarded as a CR expert on the CR Society E-mail lists).

For instance, when I use 120 lbs (my goal weight), and 20% Body Fat (again a goal - my butt's currently riding at about 28%), along with 1300 calories per day, I get the following protein recommendations: Walford 43 grams, Zone 67 grams, and MR 104 grams.

I set a "goal" of 70 grams as a MINIMUM, but I generally get around 100 grams, I think. Still, some recent studies have once again implicated protein as a risk factor for some cancers, so I'm waffling on whether I'm too high. I may go a bit lower, particularly if I tranisition to a more vegetarian diet.

Still, I will say that I feel less hungry (not at all, in fact) when I eat lots of protein (April claims this, too).

Hope this helps and you don't feel like I've hijacked your blog :-). Maybe I'll repost the above on my blog, just so its out there.


Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn,
You had a question about setting your own requirements in the CRON-o-meter. When you list your foods, you've got that bar chart at the bottom going.. If you go to summary and double click protein, up pop an input window where you can adjust the numbers to your own min/max figures. Click save and you've got it. I haven't figured out the RDA percentages yet myself.. I'm still working on it. I'm sure you (we) could email the developer and ask the question. I think it's been addressed on the CR Society lists, but I didn't quite follow it well enough to understand it either.
I'm at 140 lbs, shooting for 125 and I have 75g of protein as my minimum. Just an FYI

Glad things are going well,

Calyb said...

Hey thanks so much Deb! I agree, I (we) can deffinitely do that and figure out how to work the software. I am more worried about actually getting right numbers. So, thanks Amy, Deb and everyone else for their comments on their own diets. I will have to invest sometime reading and researching it this weekend and then I will start my adjusting in COM.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I don't have anything informative to add, but just wanted to say hello and that I'm glad you had a good CR day!