Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So it's been a while since I have posted and I feel at a loss for words. I haven't been at home making up cool little recipes to share. I haven't been entering my daily intake into the COM, so I have no averages or numbers to share either.

So what does a CR girl gone wild talk about?

Well, there's not much to say other than I have fallen off the CR wagon (and many others) over the course of the last few days. The last day I entered into my COM was Saturday.

Do I feel guilty for not being a good little CR girl?

Um...well, not really. I know that feeling guilty will only keep me away CR. This is the longest time I have spent ad lib or better yet, just plain gakky (spelling?).

My diet since Saturday has consisted of; nothing on Sunday. Monday a rice and beans lunch from a local Jamaican restaurant and a regular Mountain Dew (gasp!). This morning (Tuesday) I have had black coffee and an egg and cheese sandwich.

So, not really horrible in the sense of bags of chips and chocolates, but not great by any means and certainly NOT nutritional.

The worst part and the part I should feel most guilty about is my last shopping trip. I bought some wonderful produce and a ton of avocados that I am sure are just simply going to go to waste. I hate wasting money and good produce. Makes me feel ungrateful or just plain wasteful and irresponsible.

So obviously the next step is just getting back on track with things. Whether back on track means continuing to attempt a CR lifestyle or adapting my new found nutritional education into something less strict, but good and healthy for me personally.

The effects of CR on my life and health have all been positive and great and I am not 100% willing to let that go. However, is that strict lifestyle too much for me to handle? Would it not be better to go about this a bit slower? Take my time and ease into it?

That's all TBD and will surely keep you all posted!


Al Nye said...

Carolyn, hang in there. Go as slow as you need to ... you've got plenty of time.


Deborah said...

Carolyn, So glad to see you back at the blog. Do what needs to be done. Your awareness alone puts you far and above a large percentage of the population. Take you time.


Calyb said...

Thanks guys!

Schatze said...

Hey, she's back - yay! :)
A few bad days is no big deal. You can pick it up again. Just be sure not to get discouraged. If you are, just blog about dicouragement and we'll all be jumping all over you saying "No! You can do it" and you know aleady that you can!

Robin said...

I think you're right about guilt - life is too short to waste time worrying about what did or did not happen yesterday. Just focus on the here and now.
You already know so much more about nutrition than I did at your age. Whatever you decide to do with that knowledge, just remember you're way ahead of the game compared to most people. And as Al points out, you have plenty of time.

Deborah said...

Hi Carolyn,
Thanks for the Valentine's day wishes..I can't seem to get your comment published..but the wishes are much appreciated. I added a photo to my post today.

Remember...no guilt allowed :)